Hotel occupancy in Mysuru drops to lowest level
Shilpa P | NT
Mysuru: Though there are no restrictions for guests staying at hotel rooms, this weekend due to the curfew and rising covid cases, hotel owners in Mysuru city saw the lowest occupancy of just two percent rooms, in the past seven months ever since hotels reopened on 5 July 2021. Also while only 35 to 40 percent of the 350 hotels in Mysuru were open for parcel services during the week end, their business dropped to five percent this week end, while they had ten percent last week end.
According to Mysuru hotel owners’ association head Mr C Narayangowda, in Mysuru city, there are 415 hotels with 10,300 rooms. Generally the occupancy of hotel rooms in Mysuru city, used to be 50 to 60 percent during week days and 70 to 80 percent during week ends. While the occupancy of hotels by tourists for New year, was 90 percent on 1 January and 2 January, it dropped to 50 percent on 3 January.
Further with rising covid cases and the week end curfew, the occupancy of hotel rooms has dropped to 10 percent during week days and even week ends. In Hotel Country Inn where there are 130 rooms, only five rooms we re o c - cupied this week end, and at Pai vista, of the 70 rooms, only six percent of the rooms were occupied, he said.
Also though the hotels offered 10 to 60 percent discounts, their business dropped to five percent, Mr Narayangowda said.