Man gets 10 yr jail for murder in Mysuru

The Judge of seventh additional district sessions court of Mysuru has sentenced a 33-year-old man from T Narsipur Taluk to 10 years of imprisonment for killing his friend, for not consenting to a homosexual relationship with him. The convict has been identified as R Nandish and the incident occurred on April 19, 2017. Rajendra is the deceased.

It is said that Nandish had invited Rajendra to his farm land. He told him that his wife had undergone a surgery and advised rest for six months. He then tried to sodomise Rajendra, but the latter resisted. Nandish strangulated him to death using a towel.

Following this incident, T Narsipur police had registered the case. Public prosecutor Mr K Nagaraju has presented the case before the court. And after the accused was proved guilty, Judge Yashwanth Kumar passed the order.