Fig-ure it out: This fleshy fruit has been associated with health and prosperity since ancient times

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A soft, pink, sweet, fleshy fruit – the fig or the anjeer, also scientifically called Ficus Carica is a unique fruit that resembles a tear drop. The flesh of the fruit is pink and has a mild, sweet taste. Before sugar became popular, figs were commonly used to sweeten desserts.

Cures constipation
Anjeer or fig is a natural laxative that helps prevent constipation and other digestive problems such as the Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Soaking two to three dried figs in water and leaving them overnight can be consumed in the morning. This can be done daily for a month which helps relieve constipation.

Heart disease and kidney stones
Dried figs are loaded with antioxidants. Anjeer, like tomatoes, cleanses the blood. It is rich in vitamin E and vitamin C, it acts as an antioxidant in the body. According to a study, dried figs have high quality antioxidants that play a vital role in eliminating free radicals, while preventing heart disease and kidney stones.

Anjeer is low in sodium, hence, it is a perfect food to keep the effects of hypertension at bay. Figs can help relax the nerves and bring some calmness to your day and peace to mind.

Strengthens bones
Figs contain phosphorus, vitamin D and calcium that help strengthen the bones. Anjeer can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and back pain by preventing the thinning of bones and loss of calcium from the body. One dried fig can give a daily calcium requirement of three per cent.

Breast cancer
Anjeer that is high in fiber, helps prevent breast cancer and is beneficial to women of all ages. Eating figs regularly can help reduce the risk of breast cancer. However, figs provide its wealth of fibre, and help get rid of free radicals.

Promotes weight loss
The fiber content in the Anjeer fruit helps lose weight in obese people. But don’t overdo it. Consuming more than recommended quantities may cause gain in weight. So if you want to lose weight or shed pounds eat figs.

Cures acne and blemishes
Figs help cure minor zits and pimples. Applying mashed figs all over your face for 15–20 minutes can cure acne. This helps the blisters heal and dry out faster leaving no scars behind. It helps remove blemishes and spots. This fig paste helps tighten the pores and control the excess sebum secretion, keeping skin pores unclogged.

Improves sexual health
Figs may help boost fertility and reproductive health. They are rich in minerals such as zinc, manganese and magnesium, which play a vital role in improving sexual health. Moreover, they are also used to overcome sexual weakness.

Soothes sore throat
The soothing nature of anjeer and its natural juice can help relieve throat pain. It is quite useful in treating various respiratory disorders such as whooping cough and also lessens the symptoms of asthma. Mix dried fig and honey in water to get rid of sore throat.

Improves vision
Figs contain vitamin A that helps improve eye vision and reduce the risk for macular degeneration. Consume three to four, dried figs on a daily basis and decrease your risk of age-related vision loss. Figs are also helpful in getting rid of dark circles under the eye.

Increases haemoglobin
Dried anjeer is rich in iron that helps increase the amount of haemoglobin in our body. Therefore, eating figs is a natural way to increase your haemoglobin levels by raising the levels of iron in your body