Zika virus: Pregnant women must be careful, say docs
NT Correspondent
Bengaluru: Commoners are worried after a five-yearold from Raichur was infected with the Zika virus a few days ago. For the ones who are unaware of the virus; it is caused by a virus transmitted primarily by the Aedes mosquito, which bites during the day, the Zika virus disease is considered to be a significant public health disease of concern after an outbreak in Brazil in 2016.
“The most common signs and symptoms are fever, rashes, joint pains, particularly in the small joints of the hands and feet, body aches, headaches, and conjunctivitis. Other symptoms can also include abdominal pain, fatigue, or a general feeling of discomfort,” explained Dr. Aditya S Chowti, Senior Consultant, Internal Medicine at Fortis Hospital.
Since its discovery in the Zika forest of Uganda in 1947, several outbreaks of the disease have been reported from Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific islands. Some cases have been detected in Kerala and UP a few months ago. A 67-year-old man was found infected with the virus in Pune in early December. There are some specific complications associated with the disease.
“In rare cases, it can cause a nervous system complication, which we call GuillainBarre syndrome. It can be possible even in people who don’t show blatant symptoms of the infection,” Dr Chowti said. “Pregnant women must be careful regarding this disease, as there is an increased risk of miscarriage, including serious birth defects in infants,” he added.
Even though it is not deadly, doctors advise taking preventive measures in order to avoid contracting the disease. “Everyone must take the necessary methods to prevent mosquito bites. Also, ensure that the mosquitoes’ breeding grounds are destroyed or not allowed to happen,” Dr Chowti said.
The disease is usually mild and does not require any specific treatment. Those sick with the virus must get plenty of rest, drink enough fluids, and treat pain and fever with paracetamol. However, if the symptoms worsen, they must seek immediate medical care and advice.