Sustainable practices and care for environment needed: Environmentalists

NT Correspondent

Bengaluru: As the world bids its goodbyes and invites the New Year with open hearts, it is vital to ponder upon the causes and solutions for the ones we share the planet with.

The diminishing numbers of flora and fauna continues to take shape in the urban spaces causing more havoc in the already existing chaos. The citizens of Bangalore are prone to toxic air, and a polluted environment, and due to negligence they have affected the wellbeing of other creatures and nature itself.

The issue of air pollution in the city runs deep, with 500 new cars running on Bangalore roads every day has heightened pollution levels, leaving many with pulmonary disorders and chronic lung problems in the midst of Covid-19.

The irregular dumping of garbage on abandoned plots, deforestation, political intervention, lack of sustainable methods, illegal borewells to extract groundwater which is already drying up, with aquifers not getting replenished, lack of awareness in rural areas, selling of smuggled animal and plant products, basic ignorance and irregular data collection and monitoring of environment-related events, remain some of the causes of serious concern for the state.

“The green movement in Bangalore has always been dominant, people have fought back and safeguarded flora and fauna, it is a constantly evolving movement, “said Vijay Nishant known for his work in the field of conservation, known as the voice of the voiceless, and a tree doctor. “But we need to focus on sustainable solutions. If someone wants to own a four-wheeler, they are free to do so, but they should plant 10 saplings and nurture them.”

Responsible for safeguarding the many lives of trees, Nishant recently bagged the positive ruling in favour of the Hesaraghatta grasslands preservation this year. He remembers Bangalore as a green city from the city’s earlier expression which has now sadly taken a twisted turn due to the amount of bribery, political agenda and ignorance at ground level.

This should however, not stop the efforts of the public and development of sustainable reforms as they surely help. Building a relationship with the environment generates a sense of responsibility for it and it is possible for each of us to make a difference by simply changing our ways of thinking and going about our actions and daily lives.

”The New Year brings a new threat with it. Ahead of Kite festivals, many retailers across the city are stocking on ‘Manja’ which is a grave danger to birds,” said Colonel Dr Nawaz Sharif, Ex DIG of Police, General Manager and Chief Veterinarian at the People for Animals (PFA) Wildlife Hospital.

“Awareness programs have helped many people dump the idea of using these unsafe materials but there are many at large that promote it,” he added. Dr. Sharif also mentioned that most countries have a proper guideline and directive on how they are going to cut trees or clear an area. A rescue team composed of veterinary experts and rescues are notified and are present with the civic authorities making sure the animals and plants are safe.

“This system of efficiency and safety is lacking in India leaving many animals injured and confused because their habitats are destroyed by rapid urbanisation, infrastructure development etc. In this process most of them get harassed and even killed”, added Dr. Sharif.

This financial year the civic authorities can work in accordance with NGOs and the public sector to help injured animals, formulate funds and services to overcome this problem, and to help rehabilitate species that are struggling to exist.

Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board’s (BWSSB), assistant welfare officer Yashant said, “individuals should be using only 40 units of water on a daily average but a singular entity uses close to 400 units of water every day which is causing a supply breach and letting private water mafia to take over the rest of the requirement ."

"But the major problem is that many sources of water are dry in the urban space and most are polluted. With this careless attitude towards the usage of water, we might have none at all, rued Yashwant He u rged p eople to think seriously and minimize their use and plan their water consumption before the resource completely vanishes from the city.

Simple acts like placing a bowl of water for the birds in the shade, helping NGOs with man force, preventing dumping of toxic materials, throwing unprocessed garbage in blind spots, learning about animal care and rescue work, practicing afforestation, preventing wastage of water and electricity, acquiring sustainable and alternative methods of living like rainwater harvesting, solar energy run electricity, use of windmills can be some of the major positive movements t