Over 8,000 workers from across state demand hike in minimum wage

NT Correspondent

Bengaluru: On Wednesday, over 8,000 workers across the state joined the protest organised by AITUC for pro-labour rights at the Freedom Park. The workers represented various sectors like construction, Anganwadi workers, industrial workers, ASHA workers and so on.

Previously, the state government had announced an increase in minimum wages varying from 1.66% for unskilled workers to 26.5% for skilled workers. The AITUC was disappointed and called for revision of the minimum wage based on a scientific survey of prices of basic commodities across all districts in the state.

Addressing the gathering, Vijaybhaskar, general secretary of the AITUC stated that as the state government had not conducted a survey, our forum has submitted a study based on current prices and in accordance with legal norms, thus establishing Rs 31,500 as the minimum wage.

HV Ananthsubba Rao, president of the AITUC (Karnataka) expressed dissatisfaction at how the issue of minimum wage could affect 1.7 crore workers in the state and yet not be debated in the Assembly. Vijayabhaskar DA also said, “A petition has been sent to the government. We want the court and law to decide the wages.” He added that the state has promised pension for Anganwadi workers who retire this year.

“What about those who retired last year and the years before that? We estimate that it takes Rs 500 crore from the budget to provide pension for previously retired Anganwadi workers.” D Jagannath, Anganwadi Union State Board member said the union expects this issue to be included in the budget.

The AITUC has a 10-point list outlying their demands succinctly. Some of their demands include providing gratuity, ESI and PF for Anganwadi, ASHA, midday meal and planation and beedi workers; repealing of NEP, opposing privatisation of state public sector undertakings and the scientific revision of minimum wages.