Advocate sent to jail for making allegations against judiciary
NT Correspondent
Bengaluru: The High Court of Karnataka has sentenced an advocate to prison for one week for “making wild allegations against the judicial system and the Judicial Officers in particular”.
The Division Bench of Chief Justice Prasanna B Varale and Justice Ashok S Kinagi recently ordered that advocate K S Anil be taken into custody and again presented before it on February 10.
Anil, who is facing a criminal contempt of court proceedings in the HC had filed a memocum-written submission in which he had urged that his case be transferred to another bench as he had filed a complaint against the sitting judges.
Quoting the advocate's submission, the HC in its order said, “The statement made by the accused in paragraph 6 making allegations against the Judges of this Court clearly shows that the accused is having no regards to the judicial system.
The accused being a practicing advocate and consistent behavior of the accused on the earlier occasions and today making wild allegations against the judicial system and the Judicial Officers in particular indicates that he is trying to demean the institution and is lowering the image of the judicial system in public eye."