CEN police constable held for demanding bribe
NT Correspondent
Bengaluru: A police head constable (PHC) attached to the Cyber Crime (CEN) department was arrested on Sunday, for demanding Rs 50,000 from a person in order to issue a favourable report in a fraud case.
Another person acting as a mediator was also arrested along with the constable.
The arrest was made by the Lokayukta police who were approached by a person named Manjegowda, against whom a case was registered at the Ramanagara CEN Police Station in 2020.
Manjegowda was released on conditional bail following which he had to appear before the CEN police and sign on the register every month. In his complaint, Manjegowda stated to the Lokayukta police that a head constable, Mahesh, from CEN would demand money from him everytime he visited the police station.
The Lokayukta police set a trap for the constable and accompanied Manjegowda to a celebration organised at Uttarahalli on Sunday morning. Manje gowda met PHC Mahesh and another person who demanded Rs 2.5 lakh to clear the case filed against him.
Mahesh asked Rs 2 lakh for the higher officials and Rs 50,000 for himself, sources told News Trail.
The Lokayukta swiftly nabbed the PHC and another person. Sources from the police said that the constable had changed the meeting location with the complainant two times before agreeing to meet him at the Uttarahalli party hall.