Expert proposes AI, robotics to tackle traffic issues

NT Correspondent

Bengaluru: MN Srihari, a recognised authority in traffic and mobility, has urged the Karnataka government to harness the potential of technological tools like artificial intelligence and robotics in tackling Bengaluru's persistent traffic woes.

He further proposes aligning the city's road planning and construction with its growth trajectory. Encouragingly, he emphasises the imperative of bolstering the public transportation network to discourage reliance on private vehicles.

Srihari's report underscores the staggering economic toll imposed by traffic congestion, estimating an annual loss of approximately Rs 19.750 crore due to delays, congestion and traffic-related hindrances.

The Revised Master Plan 2031, presented by the Bangalore Development Authority (BDA) in 2017, also recognised the productivity drain caused by traffic gridlock.

A staggering 600 million man-hours were reported lost each year, translating to a cost of Rs 3,700 crore. Within this total, fuel costs accounted for Rs 1,350 crore of the burden.

Addressing the mounting traffic challenge, the city's renowned IT industry has put forth a possible solution – carpooling.

This strategic approach not only aims to alleviate vehicular congestion but also to combat the associated issues of traffic snarls and air pollution.

An interesting statistic reveals that an estimated 6.4 lakh IT professionals operate within the corridor spanning from Silk Board junction to KR Puram, underscoring the need for concerted efforts to mitigate the impact of vehicular traffic.