Civil bodies condemn legal attack on independent media
NT Correspondent
Bengaluru: On October 5, several civil organisations called for a protest condemning the legal attack on News Click, All India Students Association (AISA), All India Lawyers Association for Justice (AILAJ): Bahutva Karnataka, Network for Women in Media (NWMI) and Digipub ( DIGIPUB). Several people participated in the protest organised by the People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL).
Civil organisations have condemned the legal attack on the independent media in India, including the arrest of journalist Pubir Furkayaskar and the seizure of phones and laptops of journalists and lawyers.
They have alleged that the Union government is attacking the media to suppress dissent and silence critical voices. The organisations have called on the government to stop its attacks on the media and to respect the freedom of speech and expression.
They have also urged the people to stand up for the independent media and to resist the government's attempts to silence critical voices. Senior journalist C.G. Manjula said that such attacks on the media are a matter of great concern.
He said that when freedom of media is attacked, democracy itself is at risk. Anand Sahai, former president of the Press Club of India, questioned whether it is 'New India' that portrays journalists as extremists.
He said that the media which is talking about the misdeeds of people like Adani is being attacked today. Vinay Srinivasa of Bahutva Karnataka said that Newsknick organisation is doing propaganda for China; But till now, no such evidence of propaganda for China has been provided in any report of News Click, even if there is such a legal investigation should be done, instead, it is not right to illegally cancel any registration, confiscate the phone and laptop and insist on giving it to the lord, he said.
The speakers at the protest expressed their deep concern over the increasing attacks on the independent media in India and called on the people to stand up for the independent media and to resist the government's attempts to silence critical voices.
They said that the media is the fourth pillar of democracy and it plays a vital role in holding the government accountable.