Survey reveals insights, challenges in B'luru lakes usage

NT Correspondent

Bengaluru: The Lake Use survey conducted in November 2023 by ActionAid Association in four prominent lakes in South Bengaluru (Chunchaghatta, Doddakallasandra, Dorekere, and Kothnur) aimed to understand people's views on lake usage.

The survey, spanning seven days, involved 394 respondents and employed a structured questionnaire. Key findings indicate that the majority of respondents (89%) lived within 1 km of the lakes, with 46% travelling less than 1 km to reach them.

The lakes were primarily used for exercise (70%), and 83% of respondents were regular users. Respondents appreciated the natural environment, amenities, and birds around the lakes.

However, challenges were identified, including issues related to walking paths during monsoons, stinking smells, maintenance problems, and the presence of stray dogs and cattle.

Suggestions for improvements included adding more benches, proper maintenance, constructing toilets, and addressing water quality issues. Additionally, 38 respondents expressed interest in volunteering for lake conservation, and 236 were interested in joining a WhatsApp group for lake-related updates.

The survey aimed to highlight the lakes' positive aspects, challenges faced by users, and their expectations for future developments, emphasising the need for local government intervention.