Keep your house in order, BBMP!

Y. Maheswara Reddy | NT

Bengaluru: Heaps of abandoned furniture in every available space, rickety staircases and defunct cabins – even BBMP’s own offices are not free from neglect. The fifty employees at the office on Queens Road work out of a building where rusted steel rods are visible on the ceiling and bits of concrete fall to the floor. And the BBMP Executive Engineer’s office is in similar condition.

“The BBMP has not done maintenance work here for over five years,” said a BBMP employee, on condition of anonymity.

Adding to the unpleasantness for the 20-odd female employees is the appalling condition of the restrooms. “There are around 20 women at the office and the restrooms are extremely unhygienic,” said a female employee.

In the monsoon, rain water seeps through the roof. “It is very difficult to work here when it rains heavily. This building might not last – either they fix it or simply shift the office elsewhere,” said an employee.

BBMP Executive Engineer Ramakrishnappa, who assumed office recently, said, “I am aware of the poor condition of the building. I will fix these problems shortly.”