Deadly liaison: Flu, coronavirus combine

Hameed Ashraf | NT

Bengaluru: While the world is battling the rapid increase in coronavirus infections caused by the Omicron variant, Israel has now recorded its first case of ‘Florona’ - a double infection of Covid-19 and influenza.

Dr Jagadish Hiremath, CEO of Ace Suhas Hospital claims this is not a ‘brand new’ infection. He told News Trail, “The viruses that cause Covid-19 and the flu spread in almost the same manner — close contact (within six feet, or two meters); respiratory droplets or aerosols released through talking, sneezing, or coughing result in spread of the infection. These droplets can be inhaled via mouth or nose and thus spread the infection. The two infections spread on touching surfaces with one of the viruses on it and then touch his or her mouth, nose, or eyes.”

He also said that the coronavirus and influenza flu virus can get together and cause serious complications such as pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, organ failure, heart attacks, heart or brain inflammation, stroke, and even death.

“Both Covid and flu have common symptoms like cough and cold, fever, runny nose. The difference, however, appears when the samples are tested,” he told News Trail. He mooted that people and countries should strictly follow WHO recommendations.

As per World Health Organization (WHO): “It is possible to catch both diseases (Covid and influenza) at the same time. The most effective way to prevent hospitalization and severe Covid- 19 and influenza is taking both the vaccines.”