Israelis kill US woman in West Bank

Israeli soldiers killed an American woman participating in an anti-settlement protest in the West Bank on Friday. Two doctors said she was shot in the head. US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller confirmed the death of the 26-year-old woman but did not say whether she had been shot by Israeli troops. He said the US was gathering more information about the circumstances of her death.

The woman who was fatally shot was attending a weekly demonstration against settlement expansion, protests that have grown violent in the past: A month ago, American citizen Amado Sison was shot in the leg by Israeli forces, he said, as he tried to flee tear gas and live fire.

Two doctors said she had been shot in the head  Dr. Ward Basalat, who administered first aid and Dr. Fouad Naffa, director of Rafidia Hospital in the nearby city of Nablus. Hussein Al-Sheikh, secretary general of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, wrote on X that the killing marked “another crime added to the series of crimes committed daily by the occupation forces."