Two lakh illegal pump sets to be regularized this year: Energy Min
NT Correspondent Bengaluru Ever since the Congress government took over the reins in 2023, 2.5 lakh illegal pump sets have been regularized, and the remaining 2 lakh pump sets will be regularized in the next year, Energy Minister K.J. George recently said. “Out of 4.5 lakh applications for pumps, 2.5 lakh pump sets have been regularized. Once the remaining applications are addressed, new applications will be discussed in the Cabinet meeting, and decisions will be made accordingly," he added.
He also claims that Farmers across the state are being provided with electricity around the clock including seven continuous hours. "Under the Kusum-B scheme, solar pump sets are being provided to farmers with an 80% subsidy, while the Kusum-C scheme focuses more on the solarization of feeders that supply electricity to agricultural pump sets. Agricultural pump sets located more than 500 meters from electricity feeders are being converted into solar-powered pump sets, resulting in significant benefits for farmers," the Energy Minister added.