Mother Tongue Matters

M J Warsi

Multilingual phenomenon has always been an integral part of human society but the nature of plurality of language differs greatly. India as a rich linguistic country and freely represents the plurality and diversity in its society has been seen as the biggest strength. As colonisation ended; newly independent countries in the world provided their citizens with constitutional rights for speaking their mother tongues, which eventually promoted multilingualism. As we all know that UNESCO in 1999 declared 21st February of every year be celebrated as International Mother Language Day.

The significance of this day is to promote dissemination of mother tongue of all and create awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions and diversity across the world. Mother Language Day celebrations are celebrated every year to promote and preserve the linguistic richness and cultural diversity. Language is the essence and identity of culture, and is a major tool for exchanging ideas, emotions and feelings.

The concept of the mother tongue has been so taken for granted that between the debates on language acquisition and language learning scholars have not found time to examine it carefully. The dictionary meaning of mother tongue, ‘one’s native language’ is too inexact for purposes of formal definition and from the point of view of its application. We all are aware of the fact that languages matter. Not just for communication and expressions but also for the overall development of an individual and community. Bhartendu Harishchandra beautifully captures this when he writes nija bhasha unnati ahai sab unnati ko mool; bin nij bhasha gyaan ke, mitat n hiye ko sool (In the development of one’s language lies the all progress. And without the knowledge of one’s language, all knowledge is incomplete).

On the importance and effectiveness of mother tongue, in one of the speeches Nelson Mandela have said that “talking to a person in his language means that it goes straight to the heart of the person, whereas your ideas will go straight to a person’s head if you talk to him in a language that he understands”.

Keeping this spirit intact, NEP 2020 makes a promising commitment to ‘the preservation, growth, and vibrancy of all Indian languages.’ According to the 2011 census, there are 19569 languages spoken in India as mother tongues. However, various classifications are associated with these languages, such as - language and dialects, scheduled and non-scheduled, major and minor, etc. All of these languages today face varying degrees of challenges. About 220 Indian languages have gone extinct in the last fifty years, and nearly 197 languages have been declared as ‘endangered’ by UNESCO. So, it is pertinent that we create an environment where these languages survive and prosper. The new National Education Policy recommends that all students will learn three languages in their school under the ‘formula’. At least two of the three languages should be native to India. For example: If a student in Karnataka is learning Kannada and English, he/she will have to choose to learn another Indian language. The choice of languages learnt will depend on the state and the students. However, it is mandatory for at least two of the three languages to be native to the country, one of which is most likely to be the local/regional language. Under the section called ‘multi-lingualism, and power of language’, the NEP says “wherever possible, the medium of instruction until at least Class 5, but preferably till Class 8 and beyond, will be the home language/ mother tongue/ local language/regional language.” High-quality textbooks, including in science, will be made available in home languages.

People from India have migrated to all the continents. They have migrated with their language, culture and traditions to the country of their livelihood. Today, one often gives little thought when speaking about their native tongue. But is it ever a simple task to go about speaking about mother tongue? People of the Indian subcontinent make up one of the largest communities of immigrants to the England, United States, etc. This means that the languages spoken in South Asia are spoken outside those borders as well. Hence, diaspora communities create more nuances in the types of speakers of their language. Some whose native tongue is the South Asian language can be bilingual, but there are also heritage language learners who want to reclaim their culture.

On the importance of mother native language, my colleague, Mushtaque Ahmad said “personally, I feel very close to my mother tongue, Urdu. Urdu is not only my mother tongue but despite decades of learning and training in English language, I have always somehow managed to retain my interest in Urdu language- in both language and lit