South African among two held for smuggling drugs to New Zealand

Bengaluru: Two people, including a South African national, were arrested for allegedly smuggling drugs to New Zealand packed in spools of metallic yarn, the Narcotics Control Bureau said. Based on specific intelligence inputs, the NCB said its officers in Bengaluru Zonal Unit intercepted an outbound parcel at a courier centre in Bengaluru on March 11.

The parcel was destined to New Zealand and on thorough examination of the consignment it was found to contain 50 spools of metallic yarn. Each spool was concealed with powdery contraband to the extent of 40 grams.

The powdery content weighing 1.9 kg was found to be pseudo - ephedrine, a controlled substance under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, the NCB said.

“In a swift follow-up action, two persons were apprehended. One was an Indian and another South African national. Both have acce pted their role in drug trafficking,” the NCB said. T h e B u r e a u s a i d pseudoe phedrine is a precursor and con - t r o l l e d s u b s t a n c e i n India and illegally exported as it is the main i n g r e d i e n t u s e d to make metham - p h e t a m i n e ( m e t h ) , a h i g h l y - a d d i c t i v e stimulant drug. —PTI