Garden City University honours nine outstanding personalities

The School of Indian and Foreign Languages at Garden City University (GCU) hosted the 11th anniversary of the Garden City Puraskar event on May 6 at the university.

The puraskar was awarded to nine renowned personalities, eminent leaders, motivational speakers and artists par excellence.

The event was graced by Dr Joseph V. G. Chancellor, Garden City University. “This award is an ode to all the artists, academicians and literature lovers across the world,” the chancellor said.

Famous actress Shanthi Krishna (artist and playwright), Dr M S Murthy (former president of State Lalithkala Academy) , Giri Balasubramanium (founder Greycaps Pvt Ltd), Samhita Arni (novelist), Sneha Kappanna (founder and director of Bhramari Dance Repertoire), Dr T Yellappa (professor and poet), Neha Mathur (image consultant and soft skills trainer), Surya Praksah Mohapatra (Talent Transformation, Learning and Development, Wipro) were awarded with the Garden City Puraskar.

The Garden City Puraskar is being hosted by different departments every week.