World Red Cross Day observed
By NT Correspondent
Bengaluru: The Karnataka State Branch of the Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS-KSB) observed World Red Cross Day 2022 on Sunday at Red Cross Bhavan on Race Course Road. The event was inaugurated by for mer cricketer A Raghuram Bhat, who extended support to the activities of the society on behalf of the sports community.
The HoA of Selection Centre-South, Brigadier S. Vijay Bhaskar (VrC) was the Chief Guest for the event. He recollected the service rendered by the Red Cross Society during natural calamities, disasters and the Covid-19 pandemic all over the world and congratulated its volunteers.
Brigadier S Vijay Bhaskar also donated blood in a voluntary blood donation drive organised by IRCS-KSB. Soldiers from the Madras Engineering Group (MEG) and Army Service Corps (ASC) also donated blood during the event.
Retired IPS Officer and Vice President of IRCSKSB Gopal B Hosur was the Guest of Honour. He highlighted the role of blood donation in instilling a sense of oneness in spite of belonging to different castes and religions. In his speech, he also called upon the youth to donate blood.
IRCS-KSB Chairman Anand S Jigajinni, Vice Chairman Vijay Kumar Patil Shavanthgera, officials of the Society as well as Youth Red Cross volunteers of Mount Carmel College participated in the event.