Book lover? This one’s for you

NT Correspondent

Champaca bookstore runs a very active book club and library. For the last two years, they have been supplying their readers with books on themes like translations and travel writing. They have finally announced the theme for their third year, and it’s loneliness and connection.

“Loneliness is a collective experience, one that counterintuitively connects humanity,” said Radhika Timbadia, the owner and curator of the bookstore. “In the midst of loneliness, we are excited to focus on positive connections through four perspectives: finding refuge in nature and the world around us, finding our communities through shared lived experiences, building connections through objects and ideas, and exploring meaningful relationships,” she added.

The book club meets every month to discuss the themes, whether one has read the book or not. “In past meetings, we have had warm, intimate conversations, with our members, and sometimes with authors and translators,” said Timbadia. You can sign up to the book club by visiting their website and choose the plan you would like to be a part of which include a 3-month or 6-month which is Rs 1399 per month; or a 9-month or a yearly plan that is Rs 1299 a month.