Digi-lockers at KSR, Cantt railway stations
NT Correspondent
Digital Smart Cloak Rooms (Digi-lockers) have been installed at Krantiveera Sangoli Rayanna (KSR) and Cantonment railway stations in the city. Bengaluru division of South Western Railway has signed a contract under the New, Innovative Non-Fare Revenue Ideas Scheme (NINFRIS).
The licence has been awarded to Stownest Technologies Private Limited for one year, and extendable by another. This project will generate non-fare revenue for Railways along with providing improved cloakroom service to passengers through secure lockers and digital payment facility, railway officials said.
Kusuma Hariprasad, Additional Divisional Railway Manager, Bengaluru division said these digi-cloak rooms will give an enhanced sense of safety and convenience to passengers about their luggage. “Passengers will be able to operate the lockers themselves using the KLOAK App and all operations including payments will be done online. During the initial phase an operator will be stationed near the lockers to help passengers not having smartphones,” she said.