Bombay Imagined: A city that could have been

NT Correspondent

Mumbai has been called many n ame s—t h e city of dreams, the city that never sleeps, the film city, and what not. But not many know that it's also an unfinished city. This is what Robert Stephens’ book Bombay Imagined: An Illustrated History of the Unbuilt City explores.

It tells the story of 200 unrealised urban visions—aspirations of an evolved metropolis boasting everything from humane housing and expanded parks to sanitation systems and more. Ideas that never saw the light of day are richly illustrated with archival drawings, contemporary speculations, and artistic overlays, illuminating long-lost futures from the city’s neverbefore- seen past.

Supplemented with a rich array of visuals, this talk will unveil a wide range of creative plans imagined for the maximum city across centuries, and introduce the diverse team behind the making of Bombay Imagined. Robert Stephens will be in conversation with Suchitra Deep, co-founder and partner at Firm Terra Architects.

Bombay Imagined is a testimony to the audacious dreams of city-lovers, a chronicle of untold narratives across centuries; and an insight into the tides that have shaped present-day Mumbai. Bombay Imagined: A city that could have been


Where: Bangalore International Centre, Domlur,
When: July 21, 6:30
Entry: Free