Cubbon Park walkers want KSLTA office to be shifted
NT Correspondent
Cubbon Park Walkers Association is upset with the ‘preferential treatment’ being given to Karnataka State Lawn Tennis Association (KSLTA) members regarding the park closing hours, and pointed out that it could even pose a security risk. The association also wrote a letter to the chief minister demanding the shifting of the KSLTA office from the premises.
In the letter, the association pointed out that the common rule of keeping the gates closed between 10 pm and 8 am was not being enforced for KSLTA members. S. Umesh, president of Cubbon Park Walkers Association, said, “Keeping the gates open only for the tennis club is objectionable. There is a common rule for everyone, and KSLTA should also follow it.”
He has also alleged KSLTA members were indulging in ‘anti-social’ activities inside the club. In the letter to the CM, Umesh states, “We don’t want the rules of the park to be twisted to suit club members as it will pose security risks and lead to other anti-social activities inside the park. The place allotted for sports should be utilised for sports purposes and not for other recreational, bar and commercial purposes.
It will be good in the larger interest of the environment and park if the tennis club is shifted out from Cubbon Park by cancelling their lease agreement. We want Cubbon Park to be a park and not a late-night entertainment hub.” The association sent the letter to the chief minister’s office on July 30. “We have received a reply from the CM’s secretary and the horticulture department on the matter; the reply states that the rule stands for everyone. The department has also assured us that they will look into the matter,” said Umesh.