World Food Day: BU students feed underprivileged kids
NT Correspondent
Bengaluru: The department of microbiology at Bangalore University organised food distribution, walkathon and various inter-department disciplinary events to mark the World Food Day at Jnana Bharti Campus on Monday.
With an aim of achieving zero hunger, the students and faculties of the department distributed 150 food packets to the underprivileged in the neighboring areas of Muthuraya Palya and Jnana Bharathi campus surroundings.
A healthy seed mix of Pumpkin seeds, muskmelon seeds, sunflower seeds, raisins, almonds, pistachios, fried gram and groundnuts along with healthy flaxseed balls, rich in proteins and antioxidants were distributed by the students.
The students of the department also participated in the “Walkathon” event within the JB campus to spread awareness about healthy eating habits and healthy life style.
The event was inaugurated by Prof. S. R. Niranjana, Former VC, Gulbarga University and Distinguished Professor, Department of Studies in Biotechnology, University of Mysore, Mysore in the presence of the Dept. Chairman Prof. J Savita, Organising Secretary Prof. C. Srinivas, faculty members and Guest faculties of the Department.
As a part of the World Food Day celebrations, the department will be organising various inter and intra departmental activities such as poster presentation, debate, skit etc. to raise awareness among students adopt healthy eating practices.