WHO urges governments to speed up AIDS fight

NT Correspondent

Bengaluru: World AIDS Day is celebrated on December 1. A viral disease known to severely damage the body’s immunology as per the response of the virus in the human body, the acronym AIDS expands to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, and the virus responsible for it is HIV, which expands to Human Immunodeficiency virus.

It is believed that the HIV virus seeped into human systems when they hunted chimpanzees for meat consumption and in the process, came in contact with their blood that caused the spread of the virus. The virus first originated in Africa in the early 20th century and since then it has spread to the whole world extensively. This year’s theme for World AIDS Day is ‘Equalize’.

The theme focuses on the enhancement of the intervention into ending the virus and hopes to stop the suffering of HIV-infected patients. Patients infected with the HIV virus have been treated differently and have faced discrimination over the years, making it important to push the supply of medication and alternative treatment plans to the public.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) summons governments and the public to globally acknowledge and work at a faster pace to end the increase and control the number of AIDS cases.