Budget session to continue till July 21

NT Correspondent

Bengaluru: Speaker of the Assembly UT Khader on Tuesday declared that the both Houses would be in session until July 21. The session was expected to be concluded in midJuly but the same has been extended. The state Budget would be presented on July 7.

Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, who also holds the Finance portfolio, would be presenting his 14th Budget, and would face challenges such as meeting funding needs for its five guarantees.

The session may have been extended because there are other things on the Congress government’s agenda apart from the Budget. This might include the repealing of the anti-conversion law and doing away with the more stringent BJP era amendments of the Anti-Cattle Slaughter Act.

Khader specified that some Bills would be presented on Wednesday. He added that department wise demands were slated to be discussed between July 10 and 19. July 20 was set aside for the passage of Finance Bills.