KEA sends names of students to wrong authority

Bengaluru, NT Bureau: The Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) ended up sending the names of two students who had been granted medical admission under the sports quota to the Medical Counseling Committee (MCC) instead of National Medical Commission (NMC) putting their career in jeopardy.

The students however approached the High Court of Karnataka which set things right by issuing necessary directions to the authorities. The two petitions, filed by Anush Gowda V and Aditi Dinesh Rao were heard by the division bench of Justice G Narendar and Justice Vijaykumar A Patil.

Since the reliefs sought by the two were the same, both the petitions were taken up for disposal together and a single judgement passed by the Court. The HC in its judgement noted that, “both the petitioners appeared for NEET examinations and having been successful, have been granted admission under the sports quota; that as per the scheme of admission, the names of the students admitted in various colleges is required to be approved by the 3rd respondent (NMC). (WP 4876/2023;WP 3005/2023)