Health dept issues advisory to public on 'seasonal flu'
Bengaluru, NT Bureau: Amidst concerns of Influenza and other respiratory illnesses rising among children in China, the Commisionerate of the Department of Health and Family Welfare have issued an advisory on Tuesday, to be followed by the public.
‘Seasonal flu’ is an infectious disease which spreads from person to person and lasts for five to seven days.
Risk groups involving senior citizens, children, pregnant women, people with chronic illness and immune deficient conditions are advised to take extra care.
Symptoms include fever, loss of appetite, chills, malaise nausea, sneezing and dry throat. People with any of these symptoms are advised to visit the nearest health centre immediately.
The Commisonerate also has prescribed ‘Do’s and Dont’s’. Covering of mouths and nose with a handkerchief or tissue while coughing or sneezing and Washing of hands with soap is advised.
Touching the eyes, mouth or nose and visiting crowded areas are to be avoided. Fostering a habit of Adequate sleep, food and hydration is advised.