Complex diseases, complex solutions?
Electropathy recognises humans and plants as two complementary electronic configurations of the natural system.
By Raksha Arun
How many think and accept the fact that stone-age men and tribals lived a healthier life than most of us today? All the complex names of diseases we come across today are the result of unhealthy food habits, lack of physical exercises and improper blood circulation. Another new age solution is electropathy, a derivative of homoeopathy, which is a combination of electrical devices and homoeopathy.
An electric bio-energy is extracted from plants that have therapeutic value. “This field does not have any recognition when it comes to the availability of materials and its learning scope in colleges. It needs a lot of recognition for one to realise that this method can be used to cure even incurable diseases. Being the fifth medical system in India, electropathy has a lot of advantages over other methods or alternate systems of medicine,” says Mohana Priya, a practitioner.
This treatment is based on the founder Ceaser Mattei’s idea that every disease originates in the change of blood or lymphatic system or both. Electropathy has associations with holistic medical philosophy that claims to be the practical applicat i o n of alchemy in medical treatment. This can be used even for nervous problems, bone injury, chronic and acute diseases etc.
A practitioner of electropathy, Mithila Arun, says, “Electropathy treatment can help animals and infants as well. It gives nutrition to cells and lymph and does not require hospitalisation. The most unique feature of this method is that its medicines can be stored since it does not have any expiry,”.
The result of electropathy is achieved when the balance between lymph and blood is maintained in a diseased person. “The general preparation of remedies involves a three stepped process which includes purification, separation and cold fermentation. It is different from other alternative therapeutic medicines, like ayurveda. This form of treatment is relatively cheap and easily accessible,” says Mithila.
The medicine acts as a donor while a human being is the acceptor. Its medicines are prepared using distilled water and spagyric essence which uses medicinal plants which are non-toxic, nonalcoholic, with no side effects and has all emergency properties. ‘‘The variety of medicines available are phenomenal since it is all natural. The various forms of electoral fluids red, green, blue, white and yellow which help in regulation of our systems,” says Mohana Priya. Consider using electropathy as a remedy before spending a humongous sum on hospitals and chemical induced medicines.