Foods that are rich in folate
Neha Ghosh
Folate, also known as vitamin B9, is a watersoluble vitamin, which is a part of the B-complex vitamin group. Folate, or vitamin B9, primarily helps the body to make new cells, specifically by playing a role in copying and synthesizing DNA. Folate also aids the body to utilize vitamin B12 and amino acids. A deficiency of this vitamin causes anaemia, poor immune function and digestion. Pregnant women having a deficiency in folate can be affected by having kids with neural tube defects. Not only pregnant women, even breastfeeding mothers, people with liver disease, alcoholics, and diabetes patients can also be at a risk of a folate deficiency.
To address any possible folate deficiencies, make sure that you include these folaterich foods in your diet. Here is a list of 10 foods that are rich in folate, or vitamin B9. Dark leafy greens Spinach, collard greens, kale, turnip greens and lettuce are rich in folate, making them one of the healthiest foods. Including these vegetables in your daily diet will give you an immediate boost in vitamin B9. A large plate of these green veggies will fulfil all your daily folate needs. Asparagus Asparagus is one of the nutrient-dense foods with vitamin B9. Eating a cup of boiled asparagus provides 33 percent of the daily recommended value of folate. Vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A and manganese are also present in asparagus.
Broccoli: Broccoli is one of the best known detox foods and it is a great source of folate. One cup of broccoli provides approximately 14 percent of your daily folate vitamin. You can enjoy broccoli by having it boiled or steamed.
Legumes: Beans, peas and lentils are high in folate. A small bowl of legumes will provide most of your daily folate needs. Black beans, kidney beans, green peas and green beans are some of the legumes that you can include in your daily diet.
Avocado: Avocado, also known as butter fruit, contains 110 mcg of folate per cup, which accounts for approximately 28 percent of your daily needs. Not only avocados are one of the best foods rich in folate but are also an excellent source of fatty acids and dietary fibre.
Cauliflower: Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable which is a great source of folate. One cup of cauliflower will provide you with approximately 55 mcg of folate, accounting for 14 percent of your recommended daily value.
Beetroot: Beetroots are a great source of antioxidants and are also rich in folate or vitamin B9. Beetroot is also one of the best foods to cleanse yo u r l ive r. Consuming one cup of beetroot will provide you with approximately 14 percent of folate to meet your daily needs.
Carrots: Carrots are another vegetable which works wonders for your health. A cup of raw carrots will give you almost 5 percent of your daily recommended need for vitamin B9. Eat baby carrots as a snack or add them in your salads.
Citrus fruits: Many citrus fruits rank the highest in folate. Oranges are a good source of vitamin B9. One orange contains about 50 mcg of folate. Other fruits that are also rich in folate are papaya, grapefruit, grapes, banana.