Offline schooling: Care, sensitivity the key

Shanida Nasser

Over the past few weeks, the major concern crossing our minds is the wellbeing of school children and the challenges associated with offline classes. Let us acknowledge that we are living in anxious times. We had an unprecedented crisis to deal with, that presented not only the threat to our lives but also inhibited the social connections and activities.

As adults, all of us have diverse needs and different coping styles and during stressful situation we tend to act strange. Same is the case with children. Keeping this in mind, parents, teachers and other significant adults has a huge role to play in this transition back to offline learning.

Observe the Behaviour

Children communicate through their behaviors. It is essential to understand this in the context of ongoing stress of pandemic. It may be difficult for them to get back to the school routine. Some of them may have terrifying thoughts that can make them feel uncomfortable or out of control. Allow them to express and listen to what they have to say. Make them feel understood, give them breaks to relax and engage them in energizing activities.

Be ready for the Change

They may not be willing to sit in a structured environment and may find it difficult to sustain mental attention for long. It would be of great help to add more time for physical activities during the initial weeks and gradually guide them back to the normal routine. Engaging students in creative activities helps not only in combating stress but also to coordinate with their peers. Many would have faced disruption in their curriculum leading to learning loss and gaps in education in the areas of knowledge, skills, communication etc. Taking appropriate measures to identify these gaps and customizing remedials according to the individual needs is essential


Dealing with the Fear

Children may have thoughts and anxieties about COVID-19. It’s important to provide them with facts and precautionary measures regarding the same. Using child friendly language, exhibiting calmness and positivity will help them to ease down.

Signs of anxiety can be easily identified as it is not just mental. Complaints of stomach pain, disturbed sleep patterns, irritability, changes in eating habits are symptoms to be addressed. The school counsellor can be of great help to deal with the emotional and psycho social issues

Schools must create an environment of safety so that parents are confident enough to send their wards. Having said that, the role of parents is equally decisive. Trust of parents towards teachers and the institution is critical in creating a sense of well-being.

The most important point is that one size fits all cannot be applied here, as children come with different needs, different experiences, and challenges. It matters greatly about what is happening in their environment and we have to be flexible to be able to attend to their needs.

Preparing children for education and academics is always a collaborative work that needs to be executed with utmost care and sensitivity.